
About Network: DC
Luke James Stangroom is the founder and CEO of Network: DC. Luke earned his degree in Applied Media at Truro and
Penwith College.
Network: DC was established in May 2018 when Luke offered to edit a few videos for Kalkstein Chiropractic for free and help them grow their
YouTube channel.
Three years later, Kalkstein Chiropractic has been a client since, and Luke and his team have helped gain over 100,000 subscribers and approximately 150 new patients a
month from YouTube alone.
Network: DC Statistics
Take a look at some of our company statistics.
Our Company Timeline
Network: DC has grown rapidly over the past few years. Here are some of the significant milestones that we have reached.
May 2018
First Client
Our first client: Kalkstein Chiropractic
March 2019
Second Client
Our second client: Select Spine and Sports Medicine
August 2019
Kevin Christie’s Book
March 2020
First Hire
July 2020
Major Milestone
January 2021